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时间:2024-04-30 14:54:58
1、开始的时侯,我们就知道,总会有终结。 At the beginning, we know that there will always be an end. 2、如果社会不答应,毁的是他的前途。 If society does not agree, it will ruin his future. 3、忘掉岁月,忘掉痛苦,忘掉你的坏,我们永不永不说再见。 Forget the years, forget the pain, forget your bad, we will never say goodbye. 4、对弈的人已走,谁还在意推敲红尘之外的一盘棋? The chess player has gone. Who cares about a game of chess beyond the world of mortals? 5、你年轻么?不要紧,过两年就老了。 Are you young? It doesn't matter. I'll be old in two years. 6、怅望三十秋一挥泪,低迷异代步出行另外。 Looking forward to the autumn of the thirtieth year with tears, I'm going on a different journey in the doldrums. 7、空洞白净,永远如此。 Empty and white, forever. 8、这牺牲是一个美丽的,苍凉的手势。 This sacrifice is a beautiful, desolate gesture. 9、很可厌的人,如果你细加研究,结果总发现他不过是个可怜人。 The most disgusting person, if you study carefully, always find that he is just a poor man. 10、这世上没有一样感情不是千疮百孔的。 There is no feeling in the world that is not full of holes. 11、一个知己就好像一面镜子,反映出我们天性中很优美的部分。 A confidant is like a mirror, reflecting the most beautiful part of our nature. 12、爱就是不问值得不值得。 Love is not asking whether it's worth it or not. 13、十指紧扣是一个很悲伤的全过程,由于十指紧扣之后是放开手! Tight fingers is a very sad whole process, because after tight fingers is to let go! 14、在这夸张的城里,就是载个跟头,只怕也比别处痛些。 In this exaggerated City, even if it's a somersault, I'm afraid it's more painful than other places. 15、书是很好的朋友。很好的缺点是使我近视加深,但还是值得的。 Books are best friends. The only drawback is that it makes me nearsighted, but it's worth it. 16、你年轻么?不要紧,过两年就老了,这里,青春是不希罕的。 Are you young? It doesn't matter. I will be old in two years. Here, youth is not rare. 17、爱情使人忘记时间,时间也使人忘记爱情。 Love makes one forget time, and so does time. 18、你放心。你是什么样的人,我就拿你当什么样的人看待,准没错。 You can relax. I will treat you as what kind of person you are. That's right. 19、爱情不论时代,都有一种排他性。 Love, regardless of the times, has a kind of exclusiveness. 20、人生就是一个不断吸气,憋气,呼气的过程。 Life is a process of constantly inhaling, holding and exhaling. 21、因为爱过,所以慈悲;因为懂得,所以宽容。 Because of love, so compassion; Because understand, so tolerant. 22、他的快乐更为快乐,因为觉得不应该。 He's happier because he doesn't think it should be. 23、比起外界的力量,我们人是多么小,多么小! Compared with the outside forces, we are so small, so small! 24、两个人一块儿坐着,非得说话不可么? Do two people have to talk when they sit together? 25、当我爱你时,你的心在沉睡;当你爱我时,我的心已冰封。 When I love you, your heart is sleeping; When you love me, my heart is frozen. 26、一个人,学会了一样本事,总舍不得放着不用。 A person, learned a skill, always reluctant to put it. 27、现在很快乐,但也不过份,因为总是经过了那一番的了。 Now very happy, but not too much, because always after that. 28、阴晴圆缺,在一段爱情中不断重演。换一个人,都不会天色常蓝。 In a period of love, it repeats itself. For another person, the sky will not always be blue. 29、我不愿看到你活着使你自己痛苦。 I don't want to see you live to make yourself miserable. 30、世上的相遇大多猝不及防,而分离总是蓄谋已久。 Most of the encounters in the world are caught off guard, while the separation is always planned for a long time. 31、我并不是为了你那些女人,而是因为跟你在一起永远不会有幸福。 I am not for your women, but because I will never be happy with you. 32、笑,全世界便与你同声笑,哭,你便独自哭。 Laugh, and the world laughs with you. Cry, and you cry alone. 33、但是她又想,也许爱一个人的时候,总觉得他神秘有深度。 But she thought, maybe when you love someone, you always feel that he is mysterious and deep. 34、都怪我,我装惯了假,因为人人都对我装假。 It's all my fault. I'm used to pretending, because everyone pretends to me. 35、他吻她,她眼泪流了一脸,是他哭了还是她哭了,两人都不明白。 He kisses her, she tears a face, is he cry or she cry, two people don't understand. 36、独立,永远。不管,感情还是金钱。 Independence, forever. Whether it's emotion or money. 37、普通人的一生,再好些也不过是桃花扇。 Ordinary people's life, no matter how good, is just a peach blossom fan. 38、毕竟日子是自己在过,不是为了别人在活。 After all, life is for oneself, not for others. 39、回忆久了,记忆就失了真。 Long memory, memory lost true. 40、人的一生中有大大小小的等待,人渐渐忘记了自己等待的是什么。 There are big and small waiting in people's life, people gradually forget what they are waiting for. 41、男人彻底懂得一个女人之后,是不会爱她的。 When a man fully understands a woman, he will not love her. 42、你如果认识从前的我,也许会原谅现在的我。 If you know me before, you may forgive me now. 43、时事变了,人也变了,要不怎么天下大乱呢? Current events have changed, so have people. Otherwise, how can the world be in chaos? 44、浮华褪尽,人比烟花寂寞。 Flashy fade, people than fireworks lonely. 45、跟你在一起,我就喜欢做各种的傻事。 With you, I like to do all kinds of stupid things. 46、细节往往是和美畅快,引人入胜了,而主题永远悲观。 The details are often pleasant and fascinating, while the theme is always pessimistic. 47、相爱却不能相恋,相恋却不相爱。 Love but not love, love but not love. 48、回忆不管是愉快的还是不愉快的,都有一种悲哀。 Memories, whether pleasant or unpleasant, have a kind of sadness. 49、时间短,可是相思是长的。 Time is short, but acacia is long. 50、他不知道烟鹂听无线电,不过是愿意听见人的声音。 He did not know that the Oriole listened to the radio, but was willing to hear people's voices. 51、明知道天要下雨就该带把伞,明知道不会有结果就请别开始! If you know it's going to rain, you should take an umbrella. If you know there won't be any results, please don't start! 52、你,是医我的药。 You are my medicine. 53、笑全世界便与你同笑,哭你便独自哭。 Laugh, and the world laughs with you; weep, and you weep alone. 54、有些爱一直没机会爱,等有机会了,已经不爱了。 Some love has no chance to love, and so have the opportunity, has not loved. 55、女人是水做的骨肉,遇到不开心的事,免不了哭泣和愤怒。 Women are flesh and blood made of water. When they are unhappy, they can't help crying and angry. 56、及至见了*一面,我更感到我俩的缘分是前世定了的。 When I saw the first side, I felt that our fate was decided by previous life. 57、现代婚姻是一种保险,由女人发明的。 Modern marriage is an insurance invented by women. 58、爱情不是避难所,想进去避难的话,是会被赶出来的。 Love is not a refuge. If you want to go in for refuge, you will be driven out. 59、他们的过去像长城一样,在地平线上绵延起伏。 Their past is like the Great Wall, rolling on the horizon. 60、爱情,原来是含笑饮毒酒。 Love turns out to be drinking poison wine with smile. 61、生命是一袭华美的袍,爬满了虱子。 Life is a gorgeous robe full of lice. 62、往往相爱的人爱闹意见,反而不相干的人能互相容忍。 Often people who love each other like to have opinions. On the contrary, irrelevant people can tolerate each other. 63、不要在你哭泣的时候,说气话,下决定,你会后悔的。 Don't say angry words and make decisions when you are crying. You will regret it. 64、有些事一直没机会做,等有机会了,却不想再做了。 Some things have never had a chance to do, and when they have a chance, they don't want to do any more. 65、这世上没有一样感情不是千疮百孔的。短的是生命,长的是磨难。 There is no feeling in the world that is not full of holes. Short is life, long is suffering. 66、你疑心你的妻子,她就欺骗你。你不疑心你的妻子,她就疑心你。 If you suspect your wife, she will cheat you. If you don't doubt your wife, she suspects you. 67、只有无目的的爱才是真的。 Only aimless love is true. 68、如果我和他真的结婚了,这也不会成为一个故事。 If I did marry him, it would not be a story. 69、相逢,不是恨晚,便是恨早。 Meet, not hate late, hate early. 70、这个世界上有那么许多的人,可是他们不能陪着你回家。 There are so many people in this world, but they can't accompany you home. 71、长的是磨难,短的是人生。 The long one is suffering while the short one is life. 72、用一转身离开,用一辈子去忘记。 With a turn away, with a lifetime to forget. 73、原来是你!你是我的,你不知道吗? It's you! You're mine, don't you know? 74、如果一个女人必须倚仗她的言语打动一个男人,她也就太可怜了。 If a woman has to rely on her words to move a man, she is too poor. 75、不爱是一生的遗憾,爱是一生的磨难。 Do not love is a lifetime of regret, love is a lifetime of suffering. 76、感情原来是这么脆弱的。经得起风雨,却经不起平凡。 The feelings are so fragile. Can stand the wind and rain, but can not stand the ordinary. 77、她的话使他下泪,然而眼泪也还是身外物。 Her words made him cry, but the tears were still outside his body. 78、空气污染使威尼斯的石像患石癌,现在海枯石烂也快。 Air pollution has made the stone statues of Venice suffer from stone cancer. Now the sea is withering and the stone is rotting fast. 79、能够爱一个人爱到问他拿零用钱的程度,都是严格的考验。 It's a strict test to be able to love someone to the extent that you ask him to take his pocket money. 80、总而言之,在现实的社会里,我等于一个废物。 In a word, in the real society, I am a waste. 81、如果你认识从前的我,你就会原谅现在的我。 If you know me before, you will forgive me now. 82、对于不会说话的人,衣服是一种语言,随身带着的是袖珍戏剧。 For those who can't speak, clothes are a kind of language, and pocket plays are with them. 83、生命有它的图案,我们惟有临摹。 Life has its pattern, we can only copy it.





